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Dark corners of the code.

Feed Morph writeup

A few days ago, I did the Morph crackme of Morph is a 32 bits windows executable (Visual C++).
Morph: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
The function _main begins in a strange manner:
.text:00401863 push esi
.text:00401864 nop
.text:00401865 nop
.text:00401866 nop
.text:00401880 nop
.text:00401881 nop
.text:00401882 pop esi
Actually Morph contains a lots of junk code like this, I just ignored them while debugging. Then I arrived at a switch of 22 cases. ds:off_402D8C contains a list of offsets that point to different parts of code. Each part of code pushes a character on the stack and print it. This is how 'What is the password?' is printed.

.text:00401929 mov     dword ptr [ebp-224h], 0
.text:00401933 jmp short loc_401944
.text:00401935 ;
.text:00401935 inc_counter:
.text:00401935 mov eax, [ebp-224h]
.text:0040193B add eax, 1
.text:0040193E mov [ebp-224h], eax
.text:00401944 loc_401944:
.text:00401944 cmp dword ptr [ebp-224h], 16h
.text:0040194B jge scanf
.text:00401951 mov ecx, [ebp-224h]
.text:00401957 mov [ebp-274h], ecx
.text:0040195D cmp dword ptr [ebp-274h], 15h ; switch 22 cases
.text:00401964 ja jmp_inc_counter ; jumptable 00401970 default case
.text:0040196A mov edx, [ebp-274h]
.text:00401970 jmp ds:off_402D8C[edx*4] ; switch jump
Following the instructions, I find that the password length is 7:
.text:00401CA5 cmp     dword ptr [ebp-228h], 7
.text:00401CAC jl short loc_401CB3
.text:00401CAE call error_exit
After that I arrived the first check of password using VirtualProtect function.
.text:00401E8A check_pw:
.text:00401E8A lea eax, [ebp-8]
.text:00401E8D push eax
.text:00401E8E push 40h
.text:00401E90 movzx ecx, byte ptr pw_cp2+2 ;password[6]
.text:00401E97 sub ecx, 'E'
.text:00401E9A imul ecx, -1
.text:00401E9D mov edx, [ebp-218h]
.text:00401EA3 sub edx, ecx ;[ebp-218h] + password[6]-'E'
.text:00401EA5 push edx
.text:00401EA6 mov eax, [ebp-21Ch]
.text:00401EAC push eax
.text:00401EAD call ds:VirtualProtect
.text:00401EB3 test eax, eax
.text:00401EB5 jz short loc_401EB9
.text:00401EB7 jmp short loc_401EC6
.text:00401EB9 ;
.text:00401EB9 loc_401EB9:
.text:00401EB9 call error_exit
VirtualProtect has four parameters. Here the 7th letter of password is used to created the second parameter 'dwSize' that defines the memory size for function VirutalProtect. If this size exceeds program limit, VirtualProtect will fail and return 0. Otherwise, VirtualProtect returns 1. We need that VirtualProtect returns 1 in order to continue code execution. So I know password[6] is equal or smaller than 'E'.
BOOL WINAPI VirtualProtect(
_In_ LPVOID lpAddress,
_In_ SIZE_T dwSize,
_In_ DWORD flNewProtect,
_Out_ PDWORD lpflOldProtect
Following the success jump of VirtualProtect, I find a loop that searches for '52h' meaning push edx in 32bit assembly.
.text:00401ED2 search_pushedx:
.text:00401ED2 mov ecx, [ebp-234h]
.text:00401ED8 add ecx, 1
.text:00401EDB mov [ebp-234h], ecx
.text:00401EE1 loc_401EE1:
.text:00401EE1 mov edx, [ebp-234h]
.text:00401EE7 cmp edx, [ebp-218h] ; counter
.text:00401EED jnb loc_401FA7
.text:00401EF3 mov eax, [ebp-4]
.text:00401EF6 add eax, [ebp-234h]
.text:00401EFC mov cl, [eax]
.text:00401EFE mov [ebp-236h], cl
.text:00401F04 push ecx
.text:00401F05 nop
.text:00401F06 nop
.text:00401F07 nop
.text:00401F08 nop
.text:00401F09 nop
.text:00401F0A nop
.text:00401F0B nop
.text:00401F0C nop
.text:00401F0D pop ecx
.text:00401F0E movzx edx, byte ptr [ebp-236h]
.text:00401F15 cmp edx, 52h
.text:00401F18 jnz jmp_search_52
At this part, we arrive at the core of Morph. Morph contains many numbers of dead codes.
.text:004014F3 push    edx
.text:004014F3 ;
.text:004014F4 db 0CCh ; ¦
.text:004014F5 db 0CCh ; ¦
.text:00401511 db 0CCh ; ¦
.text:00401512 ;
.text:00401512 pop edx
The dead code begins with 'push edx' and ends with 'pop edx'. Once Morph have found a chunck of dead code, it will call the decode function at address 0x401170. This function call _rand to generate random number. srand is called previously with time() as parameter. There is no vuln for random generation. One random number is used to alter decoded code.
call    _rand
mov ebx, eax
and ebx, 80000003h ; %4
ebx contains random_number%4. The first byte of dead code is the effective address of ebx+50h. Only four values are possilbe: 50h -> push eax, 51h -> push ebx, 52h -> push ecx, 53h -> push edx. The last byte of dead codes is bl+ 58h that is pop eax, ebx, ecx, or edx. This is the very wise part of Morph, as its name indicates, even with correct password, it can have four different versions. I have a conclusion that wherever ebx(or bl) apprears, the decoded instructions must have something to do with eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
.text:004011A7 mov     esi, [esp+10h+code_offset] ; dead code offset
.text:004011AB mov edi, [esp+10h+pw_cp] ;password
.text:004011AF mov ebp, [esp+10h+fnct_ptr]
.text:004011B3 lea edx, [ebx+50h]
.text:004011B6 mov [esi], dl

.text:0040124D add bl, 58h
.text:00401253 mov [esi+1Fh], bl
Then I've found another two decoded bytes using ebx for code alteration:
.text:00401200 mov     dl, [edi+5]
.text:00401203 add dl, dl
.text:00401205 add dl, bl
.text:00401207 sub dl, 38h
.text:0040120A mov [esi+0Fh], dl

.text:00401243 mov cl, [edi+5]
.text:00401246 add cl, cl
.text:00401248 add cl, bl
.text:0040124A sub cl, 30h
.text:00401250 mov [esi+1Eh], cl
[edi+5] is the 6th letter of the password. This must generate a pair of push and pop and I've password[5]='D'. When I go over these dead codes, some tips are left.
.text:00401300 movzx   eax, byte ptr pw_cp+2
.text:00401307 movzx ecx, byte ptr pw_cp2+1
.text:0040130E cmp eax, ecx
.text:00401310 jz short loc_401317
.text:00401312 call error_exit
pw_cp and pw_cp2 are respectively the first and second word of password. So we can see that password[2] must be equal to password[5]. Great, now I know password[2]=password[5]='D'. Later I figure that we can know for sure that password[5]='D':
.text:004022A1 movzx   ecx, byte ptr pw_cp2+1
.text:004022A8 cmp ecx, 'D'
.text:004022AB jz short loc_4022B2
.text:004022AD call error_exit
There are other two direct tips here:
.text:0040136F movzx   eax, byte ptr pw_cp2
.text:00401376 cmp eax, 'O'
.text:00401379 jz short loc_401380
.text:0040137B call error_exit

.text:004028CC ;
.text:004028CC pop edx
.text:004028CD movzx ecx, byte ptr pw_cp+3
.text:004028D4 cmp ecx, 'M'
.text:004028D7 jz short loc_4028DE
.text:004028D9 call error_exit
We have password[4]='O' and password[3]='M'. If you enter a password ('??DMODE')that passes all above checks, the program will crash unless you have the correct password. There are still the first and second letter that are unknown. In the following loop, the process of decoding is random. At the left side, password[4]='O' is used and unpacked code can be dec eax, ebx, ecx or edx. At the right side, I suppose that it will have the reverse operation of dec, that is inc. So password[0]='G'. Until now there is only one letter left 'G?DMODE'. It didn't find out logically the second letter. However, the pattern 'G?DMODE' looks like 'GODMODE' and with a great chance, my guess was correct!
With the correct password, I figured out the trick of the second letter. This letter was used to generate the opcode 'CMP eax (ebx, ecx, or edx), 10h' whose size is three bytes. Finally one version of the decoded dead code is:
.text:00401FA7 push    edx
.text:00401FA8 mov edx, offset $LN26
.text:00401FAD cmp edx, 10h
.text:00401FB0 jz near ptr 8050B8h ; it never jmp
.text:00401FB6 push edx
.text:00401FB7 inc edx
.text:00401FB8 inc edx
.text:00401FB9 inc edx
.text:00401FBA inc edx
.text:00401FBB inc edx
.text:00401FBC dec edx
.text:00401FBD inc edx
.text:00401FBE dec edx
.text:00401FBF dec edx
.text:00401FC0 dec edx
.text:00401FC1 inc edx
.text:00401FC2 inc edx
.text:00401FC3 inc edx
.text:00401FC4 inc edx
.text:00401FC5 pop edx
.text:00401FC6 pop edx
.text:00401FC7 push eax
The register edx can be altered to eax, ebx or ecx. This crackme is very nicely and beautiful.